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The contest is organized by Željko Markota, Zagreb, Croatia (hereinafter: the Organizer).

Submissions will be accepted from (TBA) to (TBA) 2024 or until the maximum number of (XZ) submissions is reached.

The participation fee is $7 and is non-refundable.

The best essay writer will receive a prize ranging from $1,000 to $10,000.

The best essay evaluator will receive a prize ranging from $500 to $5,000.

The total prize pool will depend on the number of essay submissions (participation fees), funds collected from public contributions (voting fees and donations), and the total number of public essay readings.

The prizes will be paid by the Organizer via bank transfer or another agreed method within 30 days of announcing the winners.

Winners are solely responsible for any applicable taxes, fees, or legal obligations related to receiving their prize.   

Essays must be original and unpublished works, written by a single author.

Multiple submissions are allowed, but each essay must be submitted through a unique account.

Anonymity is essential during the evaluation process. Any essay revealing the author’s identity will be disqualified.

Essays will be anonymized and assigned a unique code during the evaluation phase.

Submissions must be made exclusively via the Contest’s webpage. Email submissions will NOT be accepted.

Essays must be between 420 and 500 words. Essays outside this range will be automatically disqualified.

AI will conduct an initial screening to eliminate essays that are off-topic, incoherent, or clearly misaligned with the contest’s purpose.

The evaluation process consists of three rounds:

AI-Supported Initial Screening – Removes essays that significantly deviate from the contest’s topic.

Peer Review Phase – Participants evaluate each other’s essays based on structured criteria.

Public Voting Phase – The best essays from the second round advance to a public vote.

Participants who fail to complete their assigned peer evaluations will have their essays disqualified.

Evaluators must provide a brief (100-character) comment alongside each rating. These comments will be visible to authors and the public.

AI-generated essay evaluations and summaries are final and not subject to appeals.

Each participant retains the right to publish their own essay after the announcement of winners.

The Organizer reserves the unlimited right to use and publicly publish all submitted essays, evaluations, and evaluation comments without compensation to anyone.

For transparency, the winners' names, countries, and universities will be made public.

Winners may be required to participate in a public award ceremony before receiving their prize.

The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify participants who violate the Contest’s rules or attempt to manipulate the evaluation process.

A special evaluation metric, “PScore”, will assess each essay’s alignment with the works of selected moral philosophers. The contest has considered John Stuart Mill, Friedrich Nietzsche, Aristotle, Jean-Paul Sartre, Judith Jarvis Thomson, but ultimately, Immanuel Kant was chosen as the reference thinker.

The Organizer reserves the right to modify contest rules in response to unforeseen circumstances or to ensure fairness.

All disputes will be resolved exclusively by the Organizer. Participants waive any right to third-party appeals or complaints.

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